Thursday, December 6, 2012

Katz Partners with Blippar!

KATZ Americas is proud to announce an exciting new partnership with Blippar to bring you the premier providers of beverage coasters and augmented reality. A partnership built on providing the highest quality product and experience to your brand and your audience.

Augmented reality allows your printed coaster to come alive opening up a digital world previously only experienced in the web, tv or radio. Blippar is based on a breakthrough visual discovery platform that combines image recognition with incredible graphic design and mobile engineering. Blippar brings your digital world to the KATZ coaster by way of the strongest design and engineering team in the visual discovery marketplace. When you use KATZ Americas and Blippar, you enhance the engagement of your message in a highly captive audience, creating a memorable and positive brand interaction.

Ready to try it for yourself? Contact us to find out more about how KATZ and Blippar can help your brand, and make your coasters Blipp-able today!